By Invitation Only:

High-Level Mastermind For Serious Entrepreneurs Who Want To Scale

Next Event: 25th, 26th and 27th of
October '24. Location: Dubai

By Invitation Only:

High-Level Mastermind For Serious
Entrepreneurs Who Want To Scale

Next Event: 25th, 26th and 27th of
October '24. Location: Dubai

How Much Is Not Knowing What You Don't Know Costing You?

Get The Strategies, Tactics And Insights Required
To Scale Your Online Business To
Seven & Eight Figures

Learn Tangible, Battle-Tested Know-How From Entrepreneurs
Who Have Scaled As Far As $20,000,000 In Revenue:

William Brown, David Draey & Special Guests

Want to just buy a ticket right now, without having a call? If so click here

How Much Is Not Knowing
What You Don't Know
Costing You?

Get The Strategies, Tactics
And Insights Required
To Scale Your Online
Business To Seven
& Eight Figures

Learn Tangible, Battle-Tested Know-How From
Entrepreneurs Who Have Scaled As Far
As $20,000,000 In Revenue:

William Brown, David Draey
& Special Guests

Meet Our Guest Speaker:

*Announced Soon*

We will announce our guest speakers
for October soon...

Meet Our Guest Speaker:

*Announced Soon*

We will announce our guest speakers
for October soon...

What Is The
Dubai Boardroom?

Simply put, it's about gathering serious online business owners who desire to scale, and pairing them with highly experienced entrepreneurs and guest speakers, in order to share what's working
to grow and monetise a brand, an audience, and an online business, now.

There’s nothing like putting focused, growth-minded entrepreneurs together in one room and watching the extraordinary conversations that unfold: The tips, tactics and strategies that are shared, and the resultant creativity that flows. Not to mention the growth that ensues.

This leads to not just new ideas for company expansion, but to new connections and friendships being formed, and much more.  That’s when you fall in love with your business
and what you do all over again.

Meet Our Guest Speaker:

Ravi Abuvala

Needing no introduction, Ravi Abuvala has generated over $25,000,000 in sales via his e-learning company Scaling With Systems and many millions more for his clients.

A master of scaling online businesses through tracking, systemisation and proper foundations, his insights and experience is invaluable.

What Is The Dubai Boardroom?

Simply put, it's about gathering serious online business owners who desire to scale, and pairing them with highly experienced entrepreneurs and guest speakers, in order to share what's working
to grow and monetise a brand, an audience, and an online business, now.

There’s nothing like putting focused, growth-minded entrepreneurs together in one room and watching the extraordinary conversations that unfold: The tips, tactics and strategies that are shared, and the resultant creativity that flows. Not to mention the growth that ensues.

This leads to not just new ideas for company expansion, but to new connections and friendships being formed, and much more.  That’s when you fall in love with your business
and what you do all over again.

Meet Our Guest Speaker:

Ravi Abuvala

Needing no introduction, Ravi Abuvala has generated over $25,000,000 in sales via his e-learning company Scaling With Systems and many millions more for his clients.

A master of scaling online businesses through tracking, systemisation and proper foundations, his insights and experience is invaluable.

Why Attend The
Dubai Boardroom?

Within The Dubai Boardroom, I am building the ideal event that I would have loved to attend, if only it existed: 

Bringing together an eclectic mix of online business owners, from varying niches, paired with extremely high-quality guest-speakers who are here to deliver nothing but pure value, derived from deep, real-world insights.

All brought together ia beautiful,
warm and inspiring location: Dubai.

See, I have walked the walk. I understand the path that you are currently walking as an online
business owner who wants to scale.

I have been personally mentored by the likes of Sam Ovens, Alex Becker, Cole Gordon and Dan Bradbury.

I have scaled from zero to over eight-figures, slowly and steadily, in a sustainable and predictable manner.

And I understand the value of bringing together like-minded people, who are all rowing in the same direction, and who want to expand their network whilst discovering the strategies and tactics that are working now to monetise an audience, and grow
an online business.

Meet Our Founding Partner:

David Draey

David Draey is the prior head-of-sales at Sam Ovens renowned company

Now Vice President of Sales for multiple seven and eight figure consulting companies, his skills within sales, sales team management and talent acquisition are unmatched

David will be heading mastermind conversation on the aforementioned topics at all events

Why Attend The
Dubai Boardroom?

Within The Dubai Boardroom, I am building the ideal event that I would have loved to attend,
if only it existed: 

Bringing together an eclectic mix of online business owners, from varing niches, paired with extremely high-quality guest-speakers who are here to deliver nothing but pure value, derived from deep, real-world insights.

All brought together ia beautiful,
warm and inspiring location: Dubai.

See, I have walked the walk. I understand the path that you are currently walking as an online
business owner who wants to scale.

I have been personally mentored by the likes of Sam Ovens, Alex Becker, Cole Gordon
and Dan Bradbury.

I have scaled from zero to over eight-figures, slowly and steadily, in a sustainable
and predictable manner.

And I understand the value of bringing together like-minded people, who are all rowing in the same direction, and who want to expand their network whilst discovering the strategies and tactics that are working now to monetise an audience, and grow an online business.

Meet Our Founding Partner:

David Draey

David Draey is the prior head-of-sales at Sam Ovens renowned company

Now Vice President of Sales for multiple seven and eight figure consulting companies, his skills within sales, sales team management and talent acquisition are unmatched

David will be heading mastermind conversation on the aforementioned topics at all events

What Problems Will We Be Solving
At The Dubai Boardroom?

Do you currently own an online business, but you are stuck at 'x' per-month, and you cannot scale past it, no matter what you try?

If yes, meet my client Mike Diamonds.

 He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to make $781,000 in net-cash in the following 10 months, building his monthly revenue from $19.8K per-month to $189K
per-month, growing his business by +854%.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now tracking for $2.3M in annual revenue, sustainably and predictably, going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you don't know" costing you?

Do you currently have a large personal brand or audience, or one you are currently building, but you do not know how to monetise it?

If yes, meet my client Mike Thurston.

 He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to make $145,000 in net-cash in the following eight weeks.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now got an offering that will generate over $450,000 per-year in net-cash going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you don't know" costing you?

Are you unaware of how to capture maximum revenue from your existing leads through Email, SMS and outbound sales strategies?

If yes, meet my client Oliver Denyer.

 He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to make $128,000 in net-cash in the following 8 days, along with building his monthly revenue from $24K per-month to $72K
per-month, growing his business by +200%.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now tracking for $864K in annual revenue, sustainably and predictably, going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you don't know" costing you?

Or are you just starting out? Do you have an idea for an offer or product, but you don't know how to build it, or sell it?

If yes, meet my client Nathan Ellingham.

 He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to scale up to $55,000 per-month in revenue, starting from nothing
but an idea, all in just 4 months.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now got an offering that will generate over $660,000 per-year going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you don't know" costing you?

Meet Our Founder:

William Brown

William Brown founded an e-learning company
from scratch and scaled it to $16.4M before
exiting the business to a private equity
firm for millions more

He is also a growth consultant for online education companies who want to solidify their infrastructure and scale to seven and eight figures as-per his own experience in doing so

William will be heading mastermind conversation on the aforementioned topics at all events

What Problems Will We Be Solving At The Dubai Boardroom?

Do you currently own an online business, but you are stuck at 'x' per-month, and you cannot scale past it, no matter
what you try?

If yes, meet my client Mike Diamonds.

 He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to make $781,000 in net-cash in the following 10 months, building his monthly revenue from $19.8K per-month to $189K per-month, growing his business by +854%.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now tracking for $2.3M in annual revenue, sustainably and predictably,
going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you
don't know" costing you?

Do you currently have a large personal brand or audience, or one you are currently building, but you do not know how to monetise it?

If yes, meet my client Mike Thurston.

 He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to make $145,000 in net-cash in the following eight weeks.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now got an offering that will generate over $450,000 per-year in net-cash
going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you
don't know" costing you?

Are you unaware of how to capture maximum revenue from your existing leads through Email, SMS and
outbound sales strategies?

If yes, meet my client Oliver Denyer.

 He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to make $128,000 in net-cash in the following 8 days, along with building his monthly revenue from $24K per-month to $72K per-month, growing his business by +200%.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now tracking for $864K in annual revenue, sustainably and predictably,
going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you
don't know" costing you?

Or are you just starting out? Do you have an idea for an offer or product, but you don't know how to build it, or sell it?

If yes, meet my client Nathan Ellingham.

 He had this problem. I solved it for him, and he went on to scale up to $55,000 per-month in revenue, starting from nothing but an idea, all in just 4 months.

All he was missing was product-strategy, some knowledge on implementation, and he's now got an offering that will generate over $660,000 per-year
going forwards.

How much is "not knowing what you
don't know" costing you?

Meet Our Founder:

William Brown

William Brown founded an e-learning company
from scratch and scaled it to $16.4M before
exiting the business to a private equity
firm for millions more

He is also a growth consultant for online education companies who want to solidify their infrastructure and scale to seven and eight figures as-per his own experience in doing so

William will be heading mastermind conversation on the aforementioned topics at all events

Who is The Dubai Boardroom For?

Essentially, it's for anyone who is an entrepreneur, who is serious about
growing their network, and more importantly, their business.

As you've just seen via the above testimonials, whether you are someone new to building
an online business but who has a great product-idea like Nathan Ellingham...

Or you are someone who has an existing online business but who does not know how to scale,
or how to maximise income using lead-to-revenue strategies that you don't yet know
like Mike Diamonds or Oliver Denyer...

Or you are someone who has a large audience, or is building a large audience at present,
but who does not know how to monetise the audience like Mike Thurston...

The Dubai Boardroom is for you.

At the event, we will solve the problem/s, I will share the strategies, tactics and insights,
and me alongside our attendees, founding partners and guest-speakers will show you
how to make a lot of money whilst delivering a great product or service,
in a highly scalable and sustainable way.

Who is The Dubai Boardroom For?

Essentially, it's for anyone who is an entrepreneur, who is serious about growing their network, and more importantly, their business.

As you've just seen via the above testimonials, whether you are someone new to building
an online business but who has a great product-idea like Nathan Ellingham...

Or you are someone who has an existing online business but who does not know how to scale,
or how to maximise income using lead-to-revenue strategies that you don't yet know
like Mike Diamonds or Oliver Denyer...

Or you are someone who has a large audience, or is building a large audience at present,
but who does not know how to monetise
the audience like Mike Thurston...

The Dubai Boardroom is for you.

At the mastermind, we will solve the problem/s, I will share the strategies, tactics and insights,
and me alongside our attendees, founding partners and guest-speakers will show you
how to make a lot of money whilst delivering a great product or service, in a highly scalable
and sustainable way.

Meet Our Guest Speaker:

*Announced Soon*

We will announce our guest speakers
for October soon...

What's On The Agenda At The Next The Dubai Boardroom Event In October?

The event itself...

We will spend 3 days together at a 5* hotel in Dubai,
in a strategy-room. For the next event, we've chosen a
location with an added breathtaking view.

As a group, we will come together to share what's working now to grow and monetise an audience, and to scale an online business well into the seven and eight figures.

The experiences...

We will also enjoy our millionaire yacht event together.

This is where I bring along all of my top connections, from global business leaders, to renowned coaches in various industries, through to top online entrepreneurs, and more.

The dining together...

We will complete each day by dining together at some of Dubai's top restaurants, in some of the best locations in the city,
all-expenses-paid and included in the ticket-price.

You'll take in stunning views and enjoy eating 5* food, whilst surrounded by focused, like-minded and driven entrepreneurs who are on the same mission that you are yourself.

What's On The Agenda At The Next The Dubai Boardroom Event In October?

The event itself...

We will spend 3 days together at a 5* hotel in Dubai,
in a strategy-room. For the next event, we've chosen a
location with an added breathtaking view.

As a group, we will come together to share what's working now to grow and monetise an audience, and to scale an online business well into the seven
and eight figures.

The experiences...

We will also enjoy our millionaire yacht event together.

This is where I bring along all of my top connections, from global business leaders, to renowned coaches in various industries, through to top online entrepreneurs, and more.

The dining together...

We will complete each day by dining together at some of Dubai's top restaurants, in some of the best locations in the city, all-expenses-paid and included in the ticket-price.

You'll take in stunning views and enjoy eating 5* food, whilst surrounded by focused, like-minded and driven entrepreneurs who are on the same mission
that you are yourself.

How Do I Get A The Dubai Boardroom Ticket, And How
Many People Are Attending?

At the October 25th, 26th and 27th event we have a strict 15-person capacity.

This is to ensure a tight-knit environment, perfect for focusing without the overwhelm or
the distraction of other typical 50+ person mastermind events.

Our priority is taking care of each attendee's specific goals and by keeping the mastermind small, we make sure we achieve this, allowing us to understand what you are here to achieve, and making damn sure that you leave with a solid plan of action to fuel your growth following the event.

After the event, you'll have exclusive access to a private The Dubai Boardroom members group, so that you can not only take away the contact details for all attendees including guest-speakers, but you can also communicate with everyone moving forwards, strengthening
your network.

Tickets & Availability:

Single Event:

£12,000 one-time payment

*This includes access to one 3-day mastermind event, plus Will's
'business development' online training program


£4,000 per-month, cancel anytime

*This includes a 1-hour call with Will every two weeks, plus his
'business development' online training program, and
every mastermind event that takes place

Want to just buy a ticket right now, without having a call? If so click here 

Want to just buy a ticket right now, without having a call? If so click here

How Do I Get A The Dubai Boardroom Ticket, And How Many People
Are Attending?

At the October 25th, 26th and 27th event we
have strict 15-person capacity.

This is to ensure a tight-knit environment, perfect for focusing without the overwhelm or the distraction of
other typical 50+ person mastermind events.

Our priority is taking care of each attendee's specific goals and by keeping the mastermind small, we make sure we achieve this, allowing us to understand what you are here to achieve, and making damn sure that you leave with a solid plan of action to fuel your growth
following the event.

After the event, you'll have exclusive access to a private The Dubai Boardroom members group, so that you can not only take away the contact details for all attendees including guest-speakers, but you can also communicate with everyone moving forwards, strengthening
your network.

Tickets & Availability:

Single Event:

£12,000 one-time payment

*This includes access to one 3-day mastermind event, plus Will's 'business development' online training program


£4,000 per-month, cancel anytime

*This includes a 1-hour call with Will every two weeks, plus his 'business development' online training program, and every mastermind event that takes place


@ 2023 William Brown Consulting Services
– All Rights Reserved